Sports & Fitness

Sports & Fitness


Class Description


     The aim of physical education at Madison Jr. High is to maximize opportunities for attaining motor skills, physical fitness, knowledge, sportsmanship, understanding and values through participation in movement and discussions.


1.     Please be on time to class and leave locker room after bell rings.

2.     Please keep food and drink in locker or backpack. (Water bottle is okay)

3.     Please dress down everyday. (Physical Education Uniform is required)

4.     Please make sure your locker is locked.

5.     Please feel free to shower if you so choose.

6.     Please use proper language.

7.     Please be respectful of Students/Teacher. (Demonstrate Positive Character Traits)  

8.     Please report any injury or broken equipment to the teacher.

9.     Please remember safety is a priority at all times.(Locker room, Gym, Outside)

10.  Please be willing to try and have fun learning and doing new activities.


Physical education is an activity class. Daily participation is important to a good grade. If a student is absent they should meet with the teacher so they know what make up work is necessary. The final grade will be an accumulation of points based upon physical activity, knowledge, skill development, and citizenship.